Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Fire Rainbow

A friend sent these pictures to me. How can we not stand in awe of God's beautiful creations? It is almost as if he hand painted the sky for our pleasure.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I love this time of year

I absolutely love this time of year. As we get ready to celebrate the birth of our Savior I am reminded of all the sweet friends and family around the US that I don't get to see on a regular basis. I am enjoying getting in touch with those who have moved away or who simply don't live in my area. I absolutely love sending and receiving Christmas cards. I have heard that Christmas cards are becoming a thing of the past because everyone is so into emails now-a-days. I hope that day never comes in our home. I still enjoy opening my mail box and seeing a pile of Christmas cards. I love sitting down with a warm cup of hot chocolate and then catching up on everyone's lives. It is especially fun to see how children have grown since last Christmas. I have really enjoyed receiving the cards from the families that I traveled to China with in 2007. I can't believe how much all those sweet little babies, mostly with shaved heads just like Annabel had, have grown up so much. And they all have hair now. It is just too fun. One day we will have to have a reunion with all of our treasured kiddos. Anyway, thank you to all, near and far, who have thought of us this Christmas season. You have blessed us very much by sharing your lives with us. Praise God for family, friends and fellowship.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Look, it snowed AGAIN!

You can ask any of my friends, husband or children and they will all tell you that I am a homebody. When given the choice to go out or stay at home, I seem to always choose home. I haven't always been that way. Just in the last year or so. I am sure having little ones again has something to do with that. It is just easier taking care of little ones at home. You know... routines, naps, meals, potty training, toys, etc..... But I will admit that after being stuck in the house for most of the last 6 days due to our "Deep Freeze", I am starting to run out of things to do. You can only play with the kids, clean, file, organize, wash clothes, fold clothes, sanitize, vacuum, mop, sleep, return emails, make phone calls, read blogs, read books, color, crochet, sled, shovel snow (and the list goes on and on) for so long. haha I am absolutely loving the time with my family but I am starting to long for green grass and blue skies. Just in the last 24 hours we have had over a foot of snow fall and that layered on top of the many many inches that fell the days prior. That has to put us well above 2 feet of snow now for the past 6 days. Some might laugh at a couple of feet of snow because many areas of the US get that on a normal basis, but trust me this is not normal weather for us. Our whole City just shuts down in this. And the temperature hasn't melted it so it just keeps piling on top of each other. A friend from church stopped by yesterday and I just happened to look out my window as he was leaving to see his tires spinning in front of our house. So Mark loaded up in his snow gear to help him put his chains on so he could get up our hill. While they were doing that a truck turned on our street and I watched him do a complete 180 as he slid and turned all at the same time as he came down our hill. Wow this weather is nuts. Our church service was cancelled for the first time in 18 years yesterday. So we look out the window every once in a while in awe of God's creation (snow) and wonder what to do next to help keep the kids entertained. They have really done very well through it all. I am sure they are all getting some cabin fever but all in all have done great. My mother-in-law grew up in West Virginia so snow is not anything new to her. She also came from a large family. Lots of sisters and brothers. We were joking on the phone today about how now we know why the pioneers back West had so many children. They didn't have TV's, video games or the internet and were snowed in a lot. Not much else to do with their time. How does that relate to our winter blast of weather? We are both convinced our local hospitals will see a huge boom in the baby business in about 9 months. haha We laughed so hard about that. So all is well in our household and with grandma. We are all stocked up on food and are preparing for another glorious day together since we received the call last night that Mark didn't have to report to work again today. Lord we do thank you immensely for this family time. We do not always understand your ways, but we sure are enjoying this family time together.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!

Today was such an incredible blessing for our family. We knew we might get some snow. In fact we prayed for LOTS of snow. We really wanted a day at home to just play together as family with no agenda and no appointments. Mark and I both woke up very early...before the alarm clock even. I ran to the window and just about started dancing when I saw all the snow that fell over night. Mark had hurt his back a couple of days prior, so he wasn't dancing with me but he was very excited. Yes, we did look like school children in all of our excitement. haha For some it might not seem like a lot. But for's huge. We don't usually get much snow here so we have to enjoy it every chance we get. It seems our whole City just about shuts down on days like this because it just doesn't happen that often. After eating breakfast we all suited up in our warm snow clothes that we get to wear once, maybe twice a year...haha and headed out to play. And boy did we have fun. We have a great SAFE hill a couple houses over from us. It is just long enough to give you a great sled ride down. What a rush!! Annabel and Jacob loved it, but they hated the walk back up the hill. It was such a blessed day for our family and I pray tomorrow is a repeat.
Thank you Lord for giving us a day we really needed and enjoyed so much.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

December happenings

Well December is very quickly rushing by us. I cannot believe that Christmas is almost upon us and it still boggles my mind to think about all we have done in just two short weeks.

First of all we just had our first snow of the season. I really pray it isn't the only snow we see this year. We usually don't get very much so we need to take the time to enjoy it when it falls.

I took Amber and Joey along with a friend of mine to see the Nutcracker Ballet. That was the first time any of us had seen it. We all really enjoyed ourselves.

We celebrated Joey's 13th birthday last weekend. He is growing up too fast. Right before my very eyes he is turning into a young man. Slow down clock...slow down.

Mark and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary. Amber and Joey gave us some money to go out to dinner and they watched the little ones for us all afternoon so that we could enjoy ourselves without having to rush back. It was very thoughtful of them and we had a great time. Of course as soon as we got home we handed their money back to them. We thought it was a great gesture but I also know they need their money for some Christmas shopping they have planned. It is always so funny to watch them try to surprise us.

Annabel had her Christmas party for pre-school. That was a lot of fun. Santa came and brought gifts for all the children. Jacob of course had no fear. He ran right up to Santa, hugged him and climbed on his lap. Annabel on the other hand just got close enough to take the gift out of his hands. Infact, Mark went and sat next to Santa so that he could prove Santa was a nice guy.

Mark and I attended his Command Christmas party last week. It was a wonderful "date night" for us. We haven't had too many of those since returning from China so we thoroughly enjoyed it. The food was fabulous and the couples at our table were a lot of fun. I still cannot believe it was our last Christmas party in the Navy since Mark will retire this upcoming year. Mark's command also did their annual children's Christmas party. This time it was held at the bowling alley complete with video games, bowling, pizza and of course another Santa. Annabel got a little closer this time. I am sure she was thinking "I will do what ever it takes to get that gift out of his hands". haha

And last but not least we were able to get a good family picture for our Christmas cards. That in itself is a miracle considering how hard it is to get 6 different people to all look at the camera at the same time and resemble something that looks like a smile. Jacob looks a little scared in the photo we choose to use but at least 5 others were smiling. haha

The month of December is far from over and we have a busy calendar over the next two weeks with church and school events. This year I am completely looking forward to the two week break from classes so that we can just slow down and spend some great quality family time together. I have tried to clear away as much as possible to make certain that we really enjoy this break together. You might be surprised to learn that I am personally praying for lots of snow over the break. As long as I don't have to drive in it...I absolutely love it. There is nothing more peaceful then sitting by the warm fire cuddled up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate watching the snow fall out the back window. I pray your December has been a blessed month as well.