Sunday, December 14, 2008

December happenings

Well December is very quickly rushing by us. I cannot believe that Christmas is almost upon us and it still boggles my mind to think about all we have done in just two short weeks.

First of all we just had our first snow of the season. I really pray it isn't the only snow we see this year. We usually don't get very much so we need to take the time to enjoy it when it falls.

I took Amber and Joey along with a friend of mine to see the Nutcracker Ballet. That was the first time any of us had seen it. We all really enjoyed ourselves.

We celebrated Joey's 13th birthday last weekend. He is growing up too fast. Right before my very eyes he is turning into a young man. Slow down clock...slow down.

Mark and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary. Amber and Joey gave us some money to go out to dinner and they watched the little ones for us all afternoon so that we could enjoy ourselves without having to rush back. It was very thoughtful of them and we had a great time. Of course as soon as we got home we handed their money back to them. We thought it was a great gesture but I also know they need their money for some Christmas shopping they have planned. It is always so funny to watch them try to surprise us.

Annabel had her Christmas party for pre-school. That was a lot of fun. Santa came and brought gifts for all the children. Jacob of course had no fear. He ran right up to Santa, hugged him and climbed on his lap. Annabel on the other hand just got close enough to take the gift out of his hands. Infact, Mark went and sat next to Santa so that he could prove Santa was a nice guy.

Mark and I attended his Command Christmas party last week. It was a wonderful "date night" for us. We haven't had too many of those since returning from China so we thoroughly enjoyed it. The food was fabulous and the couples at our table were a lot of fun. I still cannot believe it was our last Christmas party in the Navy since Mark will retire this upcoming year. Mark's command also did their annual children's Christmas party. This time it was held at the bowling alley complete with video games, bowling, pizza and of course another Santa. Annabel got a little closer this time. I am sure she was thinking "I will do what ever it takes to get that gift out of his hands". haha

And last but not least we were able to get a good family picture for our Christmas cards. That in itself is a miracle considering how hard it is to get 6 different people to all look at the camera at the same time and resemble something that looks like a smile. Jacob looks a little scared in the photo we choose to use but at least 5 others were smiling. haha

The month of December is far from over and we have a busy calendar over the next two weeks with church and school events. This year I am completely looking forward to the two week break from classes so that we can just slow down and spend some great quality family time together. I have tried to clear away as much as possible to make certain that we really enjoy this break together. You might be surprised to learn that I am personally praying for lots of snow over the break. As long as I don't have to drive in it...I absolutely love it. There is nothing more peaceful then sitting by the warm fire cuddled up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate watching the snow fall out the back window. I pray your December has been a blessed month as well.

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