Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!

Today was such an incredible blessing for our family. We knew we might get some snow. In fact we prayed for LOTS of snow. We really wanted a day at home to just play together as family with no agenda and no appointments. Mark and I both woke up very early...before the alarm clock even. I ran to the window and just about started dancing when I saw all the snow that fell over night. Mark had hurt his back a couple of days prior, so he wasn't dancing with me but he was very excited. Yes, we did look like school children in all of our excitement. haha For some it might not seem like a lot. But for's huge. We don't usually get much snow here so we have to enjoy it every chance we get. It seems our whole City just about shuts down on days like this because it just doesn't happen that often. After eating breakfast we all suited up in our warm snow clothes that we get to wear once, maybe twice a year...haha and headed out to play. And boy did we have fun. We have a great SAFE hill a couple houses over from us. It is just long enough to give you a great sled ride down. What a rush!! Annabel and Jacob loved it, but they hated the walk back up the hill. It was such a blessed day for our family and I pray tomorrow is a repeat.
Thank you Lord for giving us a day we really needed and enjoyed so much.


Heather said...

That looks like such fun! I wish we could see just a little snow but living in FL doesn't offer many chances... Merry Christmas!
Heather (FL)
heading to Drew next week!

Lisa said...

I am so glad that there is a family blog to follow for you guys now :) Love your Christmas photo! Blessings, Lisa C

Mom Of Many said...

Hi Tamara,
I wanted to thank you for joining the friends at A Place Called Simplicity. I read most of your blog entries and love that you have read Dangerous Surrender....Kay Arthur is such a marvelous woman of God!! I haven't read the book, but actually looked for it in a book store in Uganda (unsuccessfully, although they had other K.A. books)...

Anyway, your family is absolutely adorable and it looks like you have lots of fun together.
Blessings this Christmas from our home to yours, Linny