You can ask any of my friends, husband or children and they will all tell you that I am a homebody. When given the choice to go out or stay at home, I seem to always choose home. I haven't always been that way. Just in the last year or so. I am sure having little ones again has something to do with that. It is just easier taking care of little ones at home. You know... routines, naps, meals, potty training, toys, etc..... But I will admit that after being stuck in the house for most of the last 6 days due to our "Deep Freeze", I am starting to run out of things to do. You can only play with the kids, clean, file, organize, wash clothes, fold clothes, sanitize, vacuum, mop, sleep, return emails, make phone calls, read blogs, read books, color, crochet, sled, shovel snow (and the list goes on and on) for so long. haha I am absolutely loving the time with my family but I am starting to long for green grass and blue skies. Just in the last 24 hours we have had over a foot of snow fall and that layered on top of the many many inches that fell the days prior. That has to put us well above 2 feet of snow now for the past 6 days. Some might laugh at a couple of feet of snow because many areas of the US get that on a normal basis, but trust me this is not normal weather for us. Our whole City just shuts down in this. And the temperature hasn't melted it so it just keeps piling on top of each other. A friend from church stopped by yesterday and I just happened to look out my window as he was leaving to see his tires spinning in front of our house. So Mark loaded up in his snow gear to help him put his chains on so he could get up our hill. While they were doing that a truck turned on our street and I watched him do a complete 180 as he slid and turned all at the same time as he came down our hill. Wow this weather is nuts. Our church service was cancelled for the first time in 18 years yesterday. So we look out the window every once in a while in awe of God's creation (snow) and wonder what to do next to help keep the kids entertained. They have really done very well through it all. I am sure they are all getting some cabin fever but all in all have done great. My mother-in-law grew up in West Virginia so snow is not anything new to her. She also came from a large family. Lots of sisters and brothers. We were joking on the phone today about how now we know why the pioneers back West had so many children. They didn't have TV's, video games or the internet and were snowed in a lot. Not much else to do with their time. How does that relate to our winter blast of weather? We are both convinced our local hospitals will see a huge boom in the baby business in about 9 months. haha We laughed so hard about that. So all is well in our household and with grandma. We are all stocked up on food and are preparing for another glorious day together since we received the call last night that Mark didn't have to report to work again today. Lord we do thank you immensely for this family time. We do not always understand your ways, but we sure are enjoying this family time together.